So, you're ready to start hosting events? If you're doing it alone, there is a possibility that you'll need a few sponsors to make your event profitable. However, if you've never sought sponsorship or you don't feel as though you have the sales skills, just take a few seconds to look at the process a little differently and it won't be as daunting.
If you're a natural event organizer, it's easier to think about your attendees and their needs. What you also need to wrap your head around is that your sponsors are also your attendees.

So, you've got the sponsorship package done and loaded to your website and you've mailed out a few SponPacs (sponsorship packages). You do realize that you just can't sit back and expect the money to come rolling in, right? You've got to get up and knock on some doors, attend a few conferences and networking events, make a few calls and send a lot of emails.