OMG, Do you know how sad I am to say goodbye to #YoutubeTrendsDashboard?
Very sad to say the least. I used to use it all the time for conversations. You used to be able to see what men age 18 -24 or any other segment was watching on Youtube from almost any country but now its leaving and they are replacing it with something that can't give me the exact information that I need. Now what will I do? I guess I've got to find an additional source?
Huge sigh, I loved using it so much! That's the one thing that happens when you're accustomed to using a product that not everyone uses, Google takes it away. Funny, I've send then end of #GoogleBuzz, #GoogleWave, and #GooglePageCreator and I'm sure there will be others but, I truly liked the ease of use of the Youtube Trends Dashboard didn't you?
Oh well, I guess, I'll continue to use it until they shut it down. Which Google products did you use that are no longer around?